All the dance events that we know about in and around
our area are as follows:
Monday 8.00-10.00 Beaus of the Park FDC. Mostly Playford. Church of the Resurrection Hall,
Penarth Avenue, Drayton, PO6 2AP. Sue Bradshaw 02392 713158
2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th. |
Monday 7.30-10.00 Bournemouth FDC. The Annunciation Church Hall, 218 Charminster Road, Bournemouth,
BH8 9RW. Liz Neal 07471 207563 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th. |
Monday 7.30-10.00 Eastleigh Folk Dance Club. Railway Institute, Romsey Road, Eastleigh, SO50 9FE.
Live music. 02380 252248
9th, caller Joy Symmons 23rd, Club callers. |
Monday 8.00-10.30 Southampton Irish Set Dancers, Immaculate Conception Church Hall, 346 Portswood Road,
Southampton, SO17 3SB. Traditional Irish (square) set dances. £5, contact:
2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th. (check dates via email before travelling) |
Tuesday 1.45 for 2.00 start. Isle of Wight Folk Dance Club.
Wootton Methodist Church Hall, IOW, PO33 4RE. Contact Elaine
10th, 17th, 24th. |
Tuesday 7.30-9.30. Salisbury Folk Dance Club, South Wilts Grammar School, Stratford Rd. Salisbury,
SP1 3JJ.
Contact Chris Nettle on
3rd, 10th, 17th, caller Geoff Elwell, 24th. |
Tuesday 8.00 Solent CDC. Bedhampton Community Centre, Havant, PO9 3ES. Caller Sue Bradshaw.
02392 713158
3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th. |
Tuesday 10.00 Stubbington International Folk Dance Group. Roman Catholic Church Hall, Bells Lane,
Stubbington, PO14 2PL. £6.50 including refreshments. Bob Neal 01329 609589. 24th. |
Thursday 7.30-9.30 Fordingbridge English Country Dancing,
Godshill Village Hall, Fordingbridge, SP6 2LG.
12th, 19th, 26th. |
Thursday 7.30 Highcliffe Folk Dance Club, Greystones House, Waterford Road, Highcliffe BH23 5JL.
Jan Harris 01202 427523
5th, 12th, 19th, 26th. |
4 | 2.00-4.30 Woodlands Folk Dancers. Woodlands Village Hall, Verwood Road, Woodlands, BH21 8LJ.
Callers Liz Neal and Richard Lane with recorded music. Tea and coffee provided, bring your own mug.
Contacts 07888 759471, 07471 207563 or 07749 206499 |
5 | 7.30-10.00 Shawford Parish Hall, Pearson Lane, SO21 2AA. “as many as will”, The Best of English Country Dance.
Caller Nigel Close. 01962 714220 |
7 |
7.00-10.00 St. James Road Methodist Church, Southampton, SO15 5HE.
Barn Dance with Ian Kirby and The Puddleglum Folk Band. Tickets
in advance £10. Bring your own supper; tea, coffee and soft drinks
provided (no alcohol allowed). In aid of Church funds, tickets and
further information from Christine 07929 759901
8 |
2:30-5:30 Sunday Afternoon Contra Dance, The Jurgens Centre, 91
Harvest Rd, Englefield Green, Egham, TW20 0QR. Ivan Aitken
with The Linda Game Band. £10 a ticket.
11 | 2.00-3.30 FolkActive Dance with Live Music for the over-50s. Freemantle and Shirley Community Centre,
SO15 3HE. Details from |
11 | 8.00-10.30 Solent Contras, Shawford Parish Hall, Pearson Lane, Shawford, SO21 2AA. Callers Barrie Bullimore
and friends. Doors open 7.45 £5 (cards accepted) |
13 | 7.30-10.00 Kimmeridge Keilidh. Kimmeridge Village Hall, The Etches Collection BH20 5PE. Arish Mel
Ceilidh Band with caller Teresa Williams. £7.50 on the door, no bar so BYO drinks and nibbles. |
Sat 14 |
8.00-11.00 The London Barndance Company, Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regent's
Park Road, London, NW1 7AY. Contra dance, caller Adam Hughes with
The Linda Game Band. £15 (members £13) Tickets available via the
or on the door. More info from
18 | 8.00 Sams Stepping. Samuel’s Rest, Upper Church Rd., Shedfield, SO32 2JB. Southern Step Dancing Session.
Jo and Simon Harmer 01489 899023. |
Sat 21 |
3.00 - 5.45 East Dorset Folk Dance Club. St. Mark’s Church Hall,
Hinton Wood Ave. Highcliffe, BH23 5AA. Caller Rosemary Hunt
with Steve Hunt. £6 per person. Bring and Share tea. Contact: Jan
Harris 01202 427523,
Sat 28 | 1.00-4.45 Confluence Euro Dance – Workshop and Dance. Forest Arts Centre, Old Milton Road, New Milton,
BH25 6DS. Balfolk dance, workshop at 1.00, dance at 2.15. Dance and workshop £12, Dance only £8. |
Monday 8.00-10.00 Beaus of the Park FDC. Mostly Playford. Church of the Resurrection Hall,
Penarth Avenue, Drayton, PO6 2AP. Sue Bradshaw 02392 713158
7th, 14th, 21st, 28th. |
Monday 7.30-10.00 Bournemouth FDC. The Annunciation Church Hall, 218 Charminster Road, Bournemouth,
BH8 9RW. Liz Neal 07471 207563 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th. |
Monday 7.30-10.00 Eastleigh Folk Dance Club. Railway Institute, Romsey Road, Eastleigh, SO50 9FE.
Live music. 02380 252248
14th, caller Sarah Perry, 28th, caller Ian Nichols. |
Monday 8.00-10.30 Southampton Irish Set Dancers, Immaculate Conception Church Hall, 346 Portswood Road,
Southampton, SO17 3SB. Traditional Irish (square) set dances. £5, contact: 7th, 14th, 21st. (check dates via email before travelling) |
Tuesday 1.45 for 2.00 start. Isle of Wight Folk Dance Club.
Wootton Methodist Church Hall, IOW, PO33 4RE. contact Elaine
1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th. |
Tuesday 7.30-9.30. Salisbury Folk Dance Club, South Wilts Grammar School, Stratford Rd. Salisbury,
SP1 3JJ. Contact Chris Nettle on
1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th. |
Tuesday 8.00 Solent CDC. Bedhampton Community Centre, Havant, PO9 3ES. Caller Sue Bradshaw. 02392 713158
1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th. |
Tuesday 10.00 Stubbington International Folk Dance Group. Roman Catholic Church Hall, Bells Lane,
Stubbington, PO14 2PL. £6.50 including refreshments. Bob Neal 01329 609589. 8th, 22nd. |
Thursday 7.30-9.30 Fordingbridge English Country Dancing, Godshill Village Hall, Fordingbridge,
SP6 2LG.
3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st. |
Thursday 7.30 Highcliffe Folk Dance Club, Greystones House, Waterford Road, Highcliffe BH23 5JL.
Jan Harris 01202 427523
3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st. |
2 | 2.00-4.30 Woodlands Folk Dancers. Woodlands Village Hall, Verwood Road, Woodlands, BH21 8LJ.
Callers Jack Brown and Pam Shears with Pete and Sue Hall. Tea and coffee provided, bring your own mug. Contacts 07888 759471,
07471 207563 or 07749 206499 |
3 | 7.30-10.00 Shawford Parish Hall, Pearson Lane, SO21 2AA. “as many as will”, The Best of English Country Dance.
Caller Nigel Close. 01962 714220 |
Sat 5 |
3.00-6.00 Salisbury Folk Dance Club’s Autumn Dance, Main Hall,
South Wilts Grammar School, Stratford Rd., Salisbury, SP1 3JJ.
Caller Sue Bradshaw with Pete and Sue Hall. Tickets £10.0, hot drinks
and biscuits provided – bring your own mug.
Contact Chris Nettle on
Sat 5 | 7.30-11.00 SHOCC Ceilidh. The Hilt (Cuckoo Bushes Hall), Chandlers Ford, SO53 5NP. Brown Boots Boogie
Band with caller Erin Mansfield. Ian Nichols 07765820919 |
6 | 10.30-3.30 FASH Workshop. Durley Memorial Hall, SO32 2AD. Caller Victoria Yeomans with Dave Yeomans
and Linda Game. Workshop title TBA. £12, FASH members £9. BYO lunch. 01243 531497 |
9 | 2.00-3.30 FolkActive Dance with Live Music for the over-50s. Freemantle and Shirley Community Centre, SO15 3HE.
Details from |
9 | 8.00-10.30 Solent Contras, Shawford Parish Hall, Pearson Lane, Shawford, SO21 2AA. Callers Barrie Bullimore
and friends. Doors open 7.45 £5 (cards accepted). |
11 | 7.00-10.00 Barn dance, Graylingwell Chapel, Blomfield Drive, Chichester, PO19 6BZ. Dance to Rufus Returns
with caller. Doors open 6.30, tickets £13 + booking fee via the Licensed bar available. |
11 | 7.30-10.00 Kimmeridge Keilidh. Kimmeridge Village Hall, The Etches Collection BH20 5PE.
Arish Mel Ceilidh Band with caller Malcolm Churchill. £7.50 on the door, no bar so BYO drinks and nibbles. |
Sat 12 | 7.30 Fordingbridge Folk Ceilidh, Avonway Community Centre, SP6 1JF. Caller Ian Nichols with
Jigfoot. Tickets £12 via Doors and bar open 7.00 |
Sat 12 | 8.00-11.00 The London Barndance Company, Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regent's Park Road, London NW1 7AY.
Contra dance, caller Diane Silver with The Old Time Contra Band with Gareth Kiddier. £15 (members £13) Tickets available via the EFDSS
or on the door. More info from |
13 | 2.00-5.30. EuroBal Wessex, Bal and workshop with Dave Shepherd and Anna Pack. Ibsley Village Hall,
Gorley Road, South Gorley BH24 3NL. Tickets £10 (concessions £6) in advance via or £12/£6 on the door. Workshop 2-3, dance 3.15-5.30, doors open 1.45. Tea/coffee/biscuits
available, anything else BYO. |
13 | 2:30-5:30 Sunday Afternoon Contra Dance, The Jurgens Centre, 91 Harvest Rd, Englefield Green, Egham. TW20 0QR.
Diane Silver with The Old Time Contra Band with Gareth Kiddier. £10 a ticket. |
16 | 8.00 Sams Stepping. Samuel’s Rest, Upper Church Rd., Shedfield, SO32 2JB. Southern Step Dancing Session.
Jo and Simon Harmer 01489 899023. |
Sat 19 | 3.00 - 5.45 East Dorset Folk Dance Club. St. Mark’s Church Hall, Hinton Wood Ave. Highcliffe, BH23 5AA.
£6 per person. Bring and Share tea. Contact: Jan Harris 01202 427523, |
Sat 19 | 7.00-10.00 PDSW October Ceilidh. Pavilion Dance South West, Westover Road, Bournemouth, BH1 2BU.
Dance to Monkey See Monkey Do and caller Ian Nichols. Adult £17, concessions £14. Box Office 01202 203630,
or book via
Fully licensed bar available. Doors open 6.30. |
27 | 10.30-3.30 SusFA Sunday Workshop, Pulborough Village Hall, RH20 2BP. Caller Louise Siddons with Linda Game.
"Heys and Other Weaving Lines". £10, tea and coffee available, bring a picnic lunch. For details call
Janet Douglas 01243 265010 |
Monday 8.00-10.00 Beaus of the Park FDC. Mostly Playford. Church of the Resurrection Hall,
Penarth Avenue, Drayton, PO6 2AP. Sue Bradshaw 02392 713158
4th, 11th, 18th, 25th. |
Monday 7.30-10.00 Bournemouth FDC. The Annunciation Church Hall, 218 Charminster Road, Bournemouth, BH8 9RW.
Liz Neal 07471 207563
4th, 11th, 18th, 25th. |
Monday 7.30-10.00 Eastleigh Folk Dance Club. Railway Institute, Romsey Road, Eastleigh, SO50 9FE. Live music.
02380 252248
11th, caller Ian Kirby, 25th, caller Louise Siddons. |
Monday 8.00-10.30 Southampton Irish Set Dancers, Immaculate Conception Church Hall, 346 Portswood Road,
Southampton, SO17 3SB. Traditional Irish (square) set dances. £5, contact: 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th.
(check dates via email before travelling) |
Tuesday 1.45 for 2.00 start. Isle of Wight Folk Dance Club.
Wootton Methodist Church Hall, IOW, PO33 4RE. contact Elaine
5th, 12th, 19th, 26th. |
Tuesday 7.30-9.30. Salisbury Folk Dance Club, South Wilts
Grammar School, Stratford Rd., Salisbury, SP1 3JJ.
Contact Chris Nettle on
5th, 12th Playford costume evening with John Turner calling, 19th, 26th. |
Tuesday 8.00 Solent CDC. Bedhampton Community Centre, Havant, PO9 3ES. Caller Sue Bradshaw. 02392 713158
5th, 12th, 19th, 26th. |
Tuesday 10.00 Stubbington International Folk Dance Group. Roman Catholic Church Hall, Bells Lane, Stubbington,
PO14 2PL. £6.50 including refreshments. Bob Neal 01329 609589.
5th, 19th. |
Thursday 7.30-9.30 Fordingbridge English Country Dancing, Godshill Village Hall, Fordingbridge SP6 2LG. 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th. |
Thursday 7.30 Highcliffe Folk Dance Club, Greystones House, Waterford Road, Highcliffe BH23 5JL. Jan Harris
01202 427523
7th, 14th, 21st, 28th. |
2 | 7.30 Autumn Barn Dance, Milford on Sea Community Centre, SO41 0PH. Dance to Murphy’s Lore, tickets £18
including a Ploughman’s Supper. Box office 01590 644861. |
6 | 2.00-4.30 Woodlands Folk Dancers. Woodlands Village Hall, Verwood Road, Woodlands, BH21 8LJ. Caller Geoff
Elwell with Pete and Sue Hall. Tea and coffee provided, bring your own mug. Contacts 07888 759471, 07471 207563
or 07749 206499 |
7 | 7.30-10.00 Shawford Parish Hall, Pearson Lane, SO21 2AA. “as many as will”, The Best of English Country
Dance. Caller Nigel Close. 01962 714220 |
Sat 9 |
8.00-11.00 The London Barndance Company, Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regent's
Park Road, London, NW1 7AY. Contra dance, caller Jake Wood
with Contrasaurus. £15 (members £13) Tickets available via the EFDSS
or on the door. More info from
10 |
2:30-5:30 Sunday Afternoon Contra Dance, The Jurgens Centre, 91
Harvest Rd., Englefield Green, Egham. TW20 0QR. Caller Mark
Elvins with Box of Frogs. £10 a ticket.
13 | 2.00-3.30 FolkActive Dance with Live Music for the over-50s. Freemantle and Shirley Community Centre,
SO15 3HE. Details from |
13 | 8.00-10.30 Solent Contras, Shawford Parish Hall, Pearson Lane, Shawford, SO21 2AA. Callers Barrie
Bullimore and friends with Box of Frogs. Doors open 7.45 £10 in advance, £12 on the door (cards accepted). |
Sat 16 | 3.00 - 5.45 East Dorset Folk Dance Club. St. Mark’s Church Hall, Hinton Wood Ave. Highcliffe,
BH23 5AA. £6 per person. Bring and Share tea. Contact: Jan Harris 01202 427523, |
17 |
10.30-3.30 FASH Workshop. Soberton Village Hall, SO32 3PF.
Caller Ivan Aitken with Claire Coxwell and Judith Beton. Workshop
title "Something Old, Something New". £12, FASH members
£9. BYO lunch.
20 | 8.00 Sams Stepping. Samuel’s Rest, Upper Church Rd., Shedfield, SO32 2JB. Southern Step Dancing Session.
Jo and Simon Harmer 01489 899023. |
22 | 7.30-10.00 Kimmeridge Keilidh. Kimmeridge Village Hall, The Etches Collection BH20 5PE. Arish Mel
Ceilidh Band with caller Teresa Williams. £7.50 on the door, no bar so BYO drinks and nibbles. |
Sat 23 | 7.30-11.00 SHOCC Ceilidh. The Hilt (Cuckoo Bushes Hall), Chandlers Ford, SO53 5NP. James Delarre,
Saul Rose, and David Delarre with caller Cate Haynes. Ian Nichols 07765820919 |
24 | 10.30-3.30 SusFA Sunday Workshop, Pulborough Village Hall, RH20 2BP. Caller Ivan Aitken. Workshop
title "Modern day English dance composers from here and across the pond". £10, tea and coffee available, bring a picnic lunch.
For details call Janet Douglas 01243 265010 |
Sat 30 | 2.00-4.30 Bournemouth Folk Dance Club’s Tea Dance. Annunciation Hall, 218 Charminster Road, Bournemouth,
BH8 9RW. Club callers with Pete and Sue Hall. £5, includes cake and a hot drink (bring your own mug). For booking (essential)
and more details contact Liz on 07471 207563 |
Monday 8.00-10.00 Beaus of the Park FDC. Mostly Playford. Church of the Resurrection Hall,
Penarth Avenue, Drayton, PO6 2AP. Sue Bradshaw 02392 713158 2nd, 9th, Christmas party. |
Monday 7.30-10.00 Bournemouth FDC. The Annunciation Church Hall, 218 Charminster Road, Bournemouth,
BH8 9RW. Liz Neal 07471 207563 2nd, 9th, Christmas party, 16th. |
Monday 7.30-10.00 Eastleigh Folk Dance Club. Railway Institute, Romsey Road, Eastleigh, SO50 9FE.
Live music. 02380 252248
9th, Club callers. |
Monday 8.00-10.30 Southampton Irish Set Dancers, Immaculate Conception Church Hall, 346 Portswood Road, Southampton,
SO17 3SB. Traditional Irish (square) set dances. £5, contact: 2nd, 9th, 16th. (check dates via email before travelling) |
Tuesday 1.45 for 2.00 start. Isle of Wight Folk Dance Club. Wootton Methodist Church Hall, IOW PO33 4RE. contact Elaine
Shiers 3rd, 10th, 17th. |
Tuesday 7.30-9.30. Salisbury Folk Dance Club, South Wilts Grammar School, Stratford Rd. Salisbury, SP1 3JJ. Contact Chris Nettle on
3rd, 10th, 17th. |
Tuesday 8.00 Solent CDC. Bedhampton Community Centre, Havant, PO9 3ES. Caller Sue Bradshaw. 02392 713158
3rd, 10th, Christmas party. |
Tuesday 10.00 Stubbington International Folk Dance Group. Roman Catholic Church Hall, Bells Lane, Stubbington,
PO14 2PL. £6.50 including refreshments. Bob Neal 01329 609589. 3rd. |
Thursday 7.30-9.30 Fordingbridge English Country Dancing, Godshill Village Hall, Fordingbridge SP6 2LG. 5th, 12th. |
Thursday 7.30 Highcliffe Folk Dance Club, Greystones House, Waterford Road, Highcliffe BH23 5JL. Jan Harris
01202 427523
5th, 12th, 19th. |
4 | 2.00-4.30 Woodlands Folk Dancers. Woodlands Village Hall, Verwood Road, Woodlands, BH21 8LJ. Callers
‘Come all Ye’ with Pete and Sue Hall. Tea, coffee and mince pies provided, bring your own mug. Contacts 07888 759471,
07471 207563 or 07749 206499 |
5 | 7.30-10.00 Shawford Parish Hall, Pearson Lane, SO21 2AA. “as many as will”, The Best of English Country
Dance. Caller Nigel Close. 01962 714220 |
8 | 2:30-5:30 Sunday Afternoon Contra Dance, The Jurgens Centre, 91 Harvest Rd, Englefield Green, Egham.
TW20 0QR. Caller Charlie Turner with The Linda Game Band. £10 a ticket. |
11 | 2.00-3.30 FolkActive Dance with Live Music for the over-50s. Freemantle and Shirley Community Centre, SO15 3HE.
Details from
11 | 8.00-10.30 Solent Contras, Shawford Parish Hall, Pearson Lane, Shawford, SO21 2AA. Callers Barrie Bullimore
and friends. Doors open 7.45 £5 (cards accepted). |
13 | 7.30-10.15. Festive Ceilidh. Forest Arts Centre, Old Milton Road, New Milton, BH25 6DS. Murphy’s Lore
with their caller Noeleen. Tickets £18. Bar and food available (not included). |
13 |
7.00-10.00 Festive Barn dance, Graylingwell Chapel, Blomfield Drive,
Chichester, PO19 6BZ. Dance to Rufus Returns. Doors open 6.30,
tickets £13 + booking fee via the website Licensed bar available.
Sat 14 | 3.00 - 5.45 East Dorset Folk Dance Club. St. Mark’s Church Hall, Hinton Wood Ave. Highcliffe, BH23 5AA.
£6 per person. Bring and Share tea. Contact: Jan Harris 01202 427523, |
Sat 14 | 8.00-11.00 The London Barndance Company, Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regent's Park Road, London NW1 7AY.
Contra dance, caller Lynne Render with King Contra String Band. £15 (members £13) Tickets available via the EFDSS
or on the door. More info from |
Sat 14 | 7.30-11.00 SHOCC Ceilidh. The Hilt (Cuckoo Bushes Hall), Chandlers Ford, SO53 5NP. Melrose Ceilidh
Quintet with caller Ian Nichols. Ian Nichols 07765820919 |
15 | 10.30-3.30 FASH Dance. Durley Memorial Hall, SO32 2AD. “Winter Gathering”. Dance, with a few musical
interludes, local callers and musicians plus who knows what else. Tickets £6, BYO lunch. 01243 531497 |
18 | 8.00 Sams Stepping. Samuel’s Rest, Upper Church Rd., Shedfield, SO32 2JB. Southern Step Dancing Session.
Jo and Simon Harmer 01489 899023. (TBC) |
29 | 10.30-3.30 SusFA Sunday Workshop, Pulborough Village Hall, RH20 2BP. Caller Barrie Bullimore
“Christmas Crackers”. £10, tea and coffee available, bring a picnic lunch. For details call Janet Douglas 01243 265010 |