Folk Association of South Hants




Next FASH Event

The next FASH event will be at Soberton Village Hall SO32 3PF on the 9th March. This us our annual workshop of West Gallery Music with 'Madding Crowd'. Come along to sing, play or just listen, but booking is essential so that we can organise copies of the music for participants. Contact 01243 531497 or if you would like to come.

Our next Dance workshop will be on 23rd March at Durley Memorial Hall SO32 2AD, when Frances Oates will lead a workshop titled "What Happens Next?" - a mix of Frances' favourite dances with interesting patterns. Music will be provided by Sue and Pete Hall.

Full details of our '24/'25 season of workshops can be found on our 'Workshops' page, and a flyer listing them all can be downloaded here. Note that our AGM has been set for the 18th May, and will again be via the 'Zoom' application. The accounts for this year together with the officers' reports and the details on how to join the meeting will be sent out later.

If you are not already on our FASH Supporters circulation list and would like to receive news of our events, please contact Daphne on or phone 01243 531497.

We are aware that Covid has recently become more prevalent, so our document 'FASH Workshops and Covid19' is unfortunately still relevant. It details the precautions we take and what we ask you to do to protect other people.



We hear of a new folk dance club starting up in Chichester. Wednesday evenings from 7.40 to 9.20 at St Wilfrid's Church Hall, Sherborne Road, Chichester, PO19 3AG. Generally weekly but with holiday periods (school terms perhaps?), the first evening will be on the 5th February. There is a car park at the hall. For further details contact Abigail on">


A couple of 'Day of Dance' events coming up soon: On the 29th March Henry Morgenstein invites you to two sessions of English Country Dance at the Twyford Village Hall, Hazeley Road, Twyford SO21 1QY. They will be led by caller Nigel Close, with music from Matthew Coatsworth, Sharon Lindo, Dave Yeomans and Jacqui Morgenstein. The sessions are at 2.30 to 5.30 and 7.30 to 10.30, and numbers are limited to 50. Eash sesson is £15, or if you attend both, £25 together; tickets are available, in advance only, from This is an event for experienced English Country Dancers.

A week later, on the 5th April, Bournemouth Folk Dance club are holding their (now) annual Day of Dance at St. Anthony's Church Hall, Pinehurst Road, West Moors, BH22 0AP. The caller is Ivan Aitken with music from Pete and Sue Hall, and dancing starts at 10.00. BYO lunch, but tea and coffee are provided (ideally bring your own mug). Tickets are £10 in advance, £15 on the door, book via Liz on 07471 207563.


Via Celtic Folk we hear of a memorial and fund-raising event to celebrate the life of Malcolm Bishop who died earlier this year. A folk concert featuring Mike silver, Frank Boyle, Ed Mortimer and Les Wild will be held at St. Anthony's Catholic Church Hall, Pinehurst Road, West Moors, BH22 6AP on the 9th February. Cash only bar available, doors open at 7.00 for a 7.30 start. Tickets are available via at £16 which includes a small booking fee. The concert is in aid of the Motor Neurone Disease Association.


Please be aware that Salisbury Folk Dance Club have returned to their previous 'home' at St. Martin's School, Shady Bower, Salisbury, SP1 2RG. Same day, same time, of course.


A reminder that Winchester Shape Note Singing has moved from Thursdays to Tuesdays. Now 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, contact Nigel Bowley for more details.


If you prefer contra-style dances, we have our local Solent Contra Dances with Barrie Bullimore calling. They are on the second Wednesday of the month at Shawford Parish Hall - details in the Dance Diary. The next one will be in September.


Have a look also at The London Barndance Company's website. They are again running live dances, mainly at Cecil Sharp House. All the dates and callers/bands are given on the LBC website; the dances can be found on the EFDSS website, which is the easiest way to buy tickets in advance (£15, members £13).

The regular contra dances at Egham (Ashford Folk Dance Club) have also restarted. These are afternoon sessions on the second Sunday of the month. More details here. These two contra sessions tend to be on the two days of the same week-end, and sometimes one caller leads both events.


A comparatively new website is now on-line: Friends of English Dance are putting together a directory of dance clubs, callers and bands/musicians to replace the well-established one, now no longer available, of "Set and Turn Single". If you run a dance club, are a caller or part of a band, do consider adding yourself/your club/your band to the site - it will take a while to collect all the information, but if everyone adds their own part it will soon grow.

Also on the site, you can find resources for dancers, callers and musicians, including videos, particularly for those new to English Country Dance, of many of the basic dance figures.


We have added a link on the 'Solent Waves' page to the 'Solent Waves' archive. All issues right back to number one have been scanned in and saved as pdfs. The most recent ones are in full colour, issues a bit further back are in black and white and issues prior to November 2013 are in greyscale as they were printed in blue.


Focsle Music now meets only at The Guide Dog - no more "Welly". For all the details see the Focsle website and their Facebook page. They have reintroduced the 'Live on the Lawn' sessions - more details on the website as the venue changes each time. Even with all these 'live' meetings, Focsle is still running the Wednesday Zoom sessions, although these are now on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. If you would like to be kept fully up-to-date, e-mail Lin and ask to be added to their mailing list.


The English Folk Dance and Song Society, EFDSS, has its full programme on-line now. Many song and dance workshops are included. See and go to their 'What's on' page, or use this link to find out what is taking place in the coming months and to book tickets. Clicking on one of the headings in red you will find mainly what is taking place at Cecil Sharp House: gigs, workshops and dances separately. To see what dance events members of EFDSS have asked to be posted on the website, go to, or click on the heading "The Folk Dance Calendar" in black. This part of the website has taken over some of what used to be the on-line calendar of "Set and Turn Single".

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