Folk Association of South Hants
Click here to download our current edition of Solent Waves and here for next month's edition. Solent Waves is our monthly newsletter. Actually it is published 10 times a year as we combine the months of July and August as well as December and January. We have been producing this magazine since 1977 and back then cut and paste really did involve cutting pieces of typewritten script from pages submitted and sticking them together to be driven to the printers. The July/August 2022 issue was the last one we produced as a paper copy; now, 'Solent Waves' is only be available as a download from this web-page, or we can send each issue direct to your e-mail in-box. At the bottom of this page you will find a link to our archive where all past copies of 'Solent Waves' have been saved as black and white (as opposed to blue) pdf files. We welcome submissions on anything you care to tell us about folk activities. If you have anything you would like included, just send it to the editor. Please note that the cut off date for any material, including adverts is the 15th of the month preceeding publication. 'Solent Waves' is of course free to FASH members and also to non-members. It can be downloaded from this page of our website or you are also welcome to receive Solent Waves each month in pdf format by email. Just send a request to the editor. The newsletter has details of the next couple of months' dances and folk club events. During the summer, Morris and other dance displays are also included. We are always willing to include events, so if you know of a date and would like it included, then contact the Solent Waves editor. FASH cannot guarantee the accuracy of entries, but hopefully there are few errors. Two line entries are free of charge but donations are never refused.
Previous editions available for download: All issues of 'Solent Waves' are now available on this website in the archive. To access the archive click here |